We all have a favourite album. One that means something to us more than others. Album cover art used to be meticulously created to portray some kind of message that the band or artist was trying to convey.
But in this digital age, buying an album has become less about buying a physical package to buying a digital version out of convenience.
So in honour of a once coveted industry standard, we take a look at some of the most iconic album covers over the years and put our own spin on them by revealing ‘the bigger picture’.
From quirky reveals to future happenings, from Justin Bieber to The Beatles, click the album covers below and reveal all.
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Justin Bieber, My World - 2010
Justin, once an idol for all young and aspiring pop singers and a teen heartthrob to his millions of fans, his reputation has taken a slight U-turn. His recent run-ins with the law from reckless driving to egg throwing vandalism has made him catch all the headlines for the wrong reasons. His album cover “My World” portrays him as an innocent young man, but our reveal opens up his potential future.
Bruce Springsteen
Born in the U.S.A. - 1984
When we think of America, many of us all fall on the same typical stereotype. Has ours aligned with yours?
Blur, Parklife - 1994
Role reversal is a technique used in many learning situations, but use it at a sporting event such as greyhound racing and you get, well this…
Adele, 19 - 2008
Adele’s voice is that our power and emotion whom many adore. Her album cover depicts herself in a tranquil and peaceful setting. Our reveal exposes a bigger picture all in the name of fun.
Fatboy Slim,
why try harder - 2006
The Transfiguration painting is the last by Italian High Renaissance master Raphael and stands as an allegory of transformative nature of representation. We took this and gave it a modern twist with a little help from FatBoy Slim’s album artwork
Michael Jackson,
Off the Wall - 1979
Michael’s life is a fascinating one, one that left many questions unanswered. He is and always will be regarded as ‘The King of Pop’, but his private life led to fans questioning his actions. Our bigger picture takes a look at what Michael had in store for him in the future.
Nirvana, Nevermind - 1991
Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind’ album artwork is undoubtedly one of the most iconic album covers ever created. At first, most will assume the baby is in a pool, but is he really?
The Beatles, Abbey Road- 1969
The Beatles ‘Abbey Road’ album is the only UK Beatles album cover to not show either the album title or the band’s name. Kosh, the albums creative director who designed the cover explained "we didn't need to write the band's name on the cover ... They were the most famous band in the world". Our reveal truly shows the extent of their popularity.
Disclaimer – All artwork is property of said artist and is used for entertainment purposes only. The reveals are not endorsed by each artist, nor do they represent any connection with us or the artwork itself.